Passion Turned Into Best Coffee in the world…
In the las 10 years cofffee market in Costa Rica has changed, the especiality coffees add more value to each cup you drink, the work, the experience and dedication of thousands of people its been eclipsed by big coffee companies and intermediaries, now from CoffeeTarrazuShop.com you can contact direct with the farm and plantation that you want to…
Specialty Coffee comes from unknown farmers in Tarrazú
Tarrazú families are making the change little by little to connect directly with their customers and improve their profits and benefits as well as provide a differentiating coffee quality in each microbeneficiation.
By delivering coffee to large cooperatives in the area such as COOPETARRAZU and Café BRITT, they become just another supplier, thus losing a valuable opportunity to stand out and provide their consumers with that differentiated experience that they know they are capable of offering.
Exploring the Coffee Routes: From Costa Rica to the Farthest Lands
Coffee is a beverage that brings people together from all corners of the world. From…
Coffee and Creativity: How Coffee Can Stimulate Your Imagination
Coffee is not just a drink that helps us wake up in the morning; It…
Frailes Coffee Fair 2024
Image taken from: https://feriadelcafe.co.cr/ The charmin aroma of freshly roasted coffee, the lively bustle of…
Exploring the World of Specialty Coffee
A Unique Experience with Coffee Tarrazú Shop In the thrilling universe of coffee, where each…
Tips for Choosing a Good Coffee: Discover the Perfect Flavor
Coffee is much more than just a beverage; it’s a sensory experience that can elevate…
Coffee: star element of many recipes for coffee lovers
Whether you’re a coffee lover or simply enjoy its aroma and flavor, there are a…
Explorando las Rutas del Café: Desde Costa Rica hasta las Tierras más Lejanas
El café es una bebida que une a personas de todos los rincones del mundo….
Expo Café Tarrazú 2024
En el corazón de las majestuosas montañas de Costa Rica, donde la brisa fresca se…
Café y Creatividad: Cómo el Café Puede Estimular Tu Imaginación
El café no es solo una bebida que nos ayuda a despertar por la mañana;…
Feria del Café Frailes 2024
Imagen tomada de: https://feriadelcafe.co.cr/ El aroma embriagador del café recién tostado, el bullicio animado de…
Explorando el mundo del café
Una experiencia única con Coffee Tarrazú Shop: En el apasionante universo del café, donde cada…