La Cumbre Coffee


We are a family business, located in San Marcos from TarrazĂș, Costa Rica, through strategic alliances we provide comprehensive solutions for the most demanding coffee markets, producing, industrializing and marketing specialty coffees in a sustainable and innovative way, improving the quality of life in the area of influence and at the same time offering experiences unique to coffee consumers.

Benefit of Coffee and Processes
When the coffee bean has been collected, the process of beneficiary, this consists of transforming cherry coffee into parchment coffee, the processes that are mainly carried out are the following:
Washed: 100% of the mucilage is removed by mechanical means of the grain obtaining the parchment coffee ready to dry in the sun, without Honey.

Red Honey: By mechanical means part of the mucilage is removed of the grain, 60% of the natural coffee honey is reserved, obtaining parchment coffee ready to dry in the sun, which acquires a color reddish

Natural: No mechanical process is carried out, this method consists of drying the whole cherry after having collected it, without remove the skin or peel

Farm Management
The farm is located in TarrazĂș, it has coffees of the varieties caturra and catuahĂ­ 100% arabica, is found at an average height of 1,650 meters, it has a fully technical and sustainable management throughout the year, where the best agronomic practices are combined with the help of an agronomist, taking as base environmental protection social responsibility. Different varieties of shade and trees are managed on the farm, which directly increases biodiversity, witnessed with more frequently different species of animals that have been found in our farm an ideal habitat for its reproduction and establishment.

Coffee Collection
Coffee harvesting is done manually with good practices social relations with the collaborators who participate in the process, the work of them is to collect only the ripe grain of each plant of coffee, harvesting is done through microlots.

If you want to know more check out here –> REVISTA CAFE LA CUMBRE[1].pdf


15 Best by ICAFE

Selected as one of the best 15 specialty coffees in the Tarrazu region



Red Honey

Yellow Honey


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