Role of coffee pickers

The creation of a good specialty coffee of course begins with its cultivation. After this, one of the most important stages also has to do with the collection of the well-known golden bean.

An important quota of this process is taken on by coffee pickers, who are a fundamental part of the coffee industry, as they are responsible for collecting the already ripe coffee cherries from the coffee bushes. The quality of coffee depends largely on the moment when the coffee cherries are harvested, and coffee pickers have the responsibility to ensure that only ripe cherries are collected.

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Coffee picking is a manual task that requires skill and experience. Pickers must be able to identify ripe cherries and know when the right time is to harvest them. In addition, they must be able to pick the cherries quickly and efficiently without damaging the bushes or the cherries.

The importance of coffee pickers lies in the fact that their work has a direct impact on the quality of the coffee produced. If the cherries are picked too early or too late, or if they are damaged during the picking process, the quality of the coffee can be compromised. Therefore, coffee pickers are essential to ensure the quality of coffee and to maintain the profitability of the coffee industry.

In addition, coffee picking is an activity that provides employment to millions of people around the world, especially in coffee-producing countries. During the collection of this bean, it is observed how many families migrate in search of temporary employment for this task.

In summary, coffee pickers are an important part of the coffee supply chain and contribute to the livelihoods of many local communities, as their work has a direct impact on the quality of coffee produced and on the economy of many communities.

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