Tarrazu Specialty Coffee: The new era of change

Tarrazú families are making the change little by little to connect directly with their customers and improve their profits and benefits as well as provide a differentiating coffee quality in each microbeneficiation.

By delivering coffee to large cooperatives in the area such as COOPETARRAZU and Café BRITT, they become just another supplier, thus losing a valuable opportunity to stand out and provide their consumers with that differentiated experience that they know they are capable of offering.

Since the 1960s, coffee-growing families in the Los Santos areas have depended on this activity, this has generated large coffee companies such as COOPETARRAZU and Café Britt. This has been a great help for the progress of the region and a great economic help for thousands of families in the region, but with the arrival of the new millennium things have changed.

Since the 2000s, hundreds of families have opted for a new modality of coffee production. Those known as „Micro Benefits“ of Tarrazú.

These are small coffee processing plants built with the economic effort of many years of savings by coffee families whose main objective is to be able to treat their small micro-lots of coffee in the Los Santos area to obtain the best quality. possible in this process and in turn opt for a new way out of their economy by bypassing the large coffee companies in their work as intermediaries and selling or exporting their coffee with a higher quality directly to their consumers both in the country and abroad.

Countries wiht highest imports of Tarrazu coffee

The main clients of specialty coffees in the world are:

1. United States

2. Canada

3. Japan

4. Switzerland

5. United Kingdom

Tarrazu coffee

One of the biggest drawbacks with tarrazú coffee, despite being one of the best specialty coffees in the world and being famous and recognized in all corners of the planet, is that these product families with their microbenefits do not have the channels of ideal communication to be known in the world.

ICAFE has been working on projects to promote its commercial development, but nevertheless there is still a long way to go. It is estimated that for each bushel delivered to the large coffee companies in Tarrazu, the producer of the gold grain takes around 3% to 6% of all the profits that this product generates.

It’s time for growers to see more profit from their decades of hard work.

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