Origin of Coffee Tarrazu Shop

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Coffee Tarrazu Shop was created with the purpose of bringing together different Tarrazu coffees in one place, thus creating an online market where the history behind each of these specialty coffees, their characteristics, the geographic location of each farm, and photos of these farms are displayed with the aim of digitally immersing ourselves in the work processes that arise here. And, of course, offering the variety of specialty coffees that each of these micro-benefits has.

It is no secret that Tarrazu coffee is among the best coffees in the world, however, producing a coffee, and even more so, a specialty coffee, is not an easy task. Behind each of these coffees are years of hard work by these families. For this reason, in this platform, more than managing sales of these products, it is intended that people interested in acquiring various types of coffee displayed here can have direct contact with the producers, without any intermediaries, thus recognizing the work of each of these people.

In addition, some of the main characteristics of these specialty coffees are the producers’ awareness of the environment. These are quality coffees that also prioritize environmental sustainability. This is very important, as coffee processed in an incorrect way can generate large spikes in pollution, such as water pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, among others.

Furthermore, the site offers diverse information related to the theme of coffee, where people can learn about many aspects of this world through the blog. So without a doubt, Coffee Tarrazu Shop provides the opportunity to acquire a complete experience in the purchase and consumption of specialty coffee.

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